Service Standards

Easthall Park is committed to the achieving a high standard of service to our tenants and other customers. We have set service standards to show the quality service we will deliver in our housing service.  View our service standards.

Tenant Satisfaction

We will undertake an independent survey of our tenants every 2-3 years to assess the level of satisfaction they have with our service, their home and the community. We will develop an Improvement Plan to attend to any areas of low or reduced satisfaction with the aim to improve in key areas important to our tenants. Our next tenant satisfaction survey will be carried out in 2026.

Delivering an excellent service

Our aim is always to ‘go the extra mile’ and deliver an excellent service to all our customer. We do like to hear when this has been achieved from a member of our staff team and you can do this by emailing or calling us on 0141 781 2277.


We acknowledge as a service organisation we will occasionally get things wrong or not meet the expectations in our service to our customers. If this happens we would encourage to tell us:
In the first instance, we would always encourage you to speak to a member of staff to discuss your concerns about our service. If however, you cannot reach a satisfactory solution you can ask to speak to a senior officer.

If you wish to make a complaint to us, you can do so:

  • in person at the Glenburn Centre
  • by phone
  • in writing
  • by email

If you have used the complaints process and are still dissatisfied, you can contact the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman ( If you are an owner-occupier, whose property is factored by Easthall Park you should contact the Housing and Property Chamber, First-tier Tribunal for Scotland (

The Ombudsman service is free, impartial and independent. The Ombudsman will usually only examine complaints if you have exhausted the Co-operative’s own complaints process, and if complaints are referred within 12 months from when the problem happened, or first became known about.

Significant Performance Failure

The Scottish Housing Regulator has published information on what a Significant Performance Failure (SPF) is and how you can report one to them.  A Significant Performance Failure is not an individual tenant complaint about services. Please see the Regulator’s website for information on Significant Performance Failures