Fair Work First Statement

At Easthall Park Housing Association we are committed to the principles and practical application of Fair Work First for every member of our staff team throughout the employee lifecycle. We will achieve this by continuously reviewing and improving the way we work and ensuring our policies reflect our commitment to the principles of Fair Work First.


Appropriate channels for effective voice, such as trade union recognition;

·       We recognise a Trade Union and have a collective bargaining agreement in place through our membership of Employers in Voluntary Housing (EVH).

·       We fully involve our staff when considering organisational change and we work closely with staff to ensure there is effective consultation and partnership working during any change management activities.

·        We fully involve staff when considering organisational change.

·        We meet with all staff on a monthly basis in relation to organisational matters.

·        We undertake anonymous staff surveys to ascertain staff engagement. We communicate the results to staff and develop action plans in response to feedback.

·        All staff participate in Staff Strategy / Business Planning events 

Investment in workforce development;

·        The Association funds relevant professional and vocational training programmes for staff at all levels

·        We have an annual budget to support our staff with further education to develop in their roles and careers.

·        Staff are supported to achieve Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and are encouraged to access learning and development opportunities

·        Training requirements are identified during staff progress meetings

·        We have a programme of internal training which supports our workforce development priorities

No inappropriate use of zero hours contracts

·         We have no zero hours contracts in place

Action to tackle the gender pay gap and create a more diverse and inclusive workplace

·       We are members of Employers in Voluntary Housing (EVH) and have adopted their terms and conditions and pay scales to ensure equality and transparency in relation to pay o We have reviewed and updated our Equality and Diversity Policy

·       The Association has implemented an approach to the collection and use of equalities data across all protected characteristics for employment purposes including recruitment and selection. This will be used to identify and mitigate against any potential discrimination in recruitment / promotion including consideration of the gender pay gap and to create a more diverse workforce

Payment of the Real Living Wage

·       The Association pays at least the Real Living Wage to all staff ✓ Flexible and family friendly working practices o We value all our staff, we have a Flexible Working Policy in place which offers options such as part-time working, compressed hours, job share etc.

·        We have policies and procedures in place for Maternity Leave, Paternity Leave, Adoption Leave, Shared Parental Leave and Special Leave

·        We have a Home Working Policy in place

·        We have a Sabbatical Policy in place

Oppose the use of fire and rehire practices

·       We are committed to working with our staff and Trade Union representatives to ensure there is effective consultation and partnership working in relation to change.