Equality, Diversity & Human Rights

Our Vision is to make Easthall Park - A Great Place to Live

We are proud of this strategic objective and consider successful implementation as being core to our purpose. Accordingly, we are fully committed to equality, diversity and human rights in our work and services, to achieve our Vision to make Easthall Park A Great Place to Live.

What is diversity?

Diversity is about creating and sustaining a culture that seeks to respect and value difference.

What is equality?

Equality is about fair access to services and employment opportunities.

Zero Tolerance

We understand certain groups and individuals are more likely to be discriminated against. This may be on the grounds of Age, Disability, Gender Reassignment, Marriage and Civil Partnership, Pregnancy and Maternity, Race, Religion or Belief, Sex and Sexual Orientation.

We are committed to zero tolerance and eliminating all forms of unfair discrimination and promoting equality among staff, tenants and other customer.

Easthall Park Housing Association's Equality and Diversity policy is available to download in the download section. This policy outlines our commitment to providing equality of opportunity and valuing diversity.

We carry out Equality Impact Assessments as a measure to identify the impact our policies and services have on residents.  An Equality Impact Assessment template is available.

The Association will provide information in another format, such as large print, Braille, audio tape, computer disk and in other languages on request. We are affiliated to “Happy to Translate”.

Happy To Translate