Housing Allocations

Easthall Park have 695 properties available to rent in Easthall and Kildermorie, Easterhouse.

The stock ranges in size from a limited number of 1 apartments to the largest properties we have, 6 apartments.  The stock is generally new or modernised and consists of flats, cottage, terraced, semi-detached properties and tenements.

Our housing stock is of high demand and we are in the difficult position where housing demand exceeds supply.

We only have approximately 40 properties that become available for let each year.

We allocate our properties through a group plus points allocation policy.

You can apply for a home in 2 ways;

  1. Download the Housing Application Form, complete it and send back to us, or
  2. Apply using the Online Housing Application Form

Please aslo read our Fair Processing Notice Allocations Housing Applications.

Our allocation policy

Our allocation policy is called a "group plus points” system.

We put people who apply into one of eight groups depending on their housing needs.  “Housing need” is a general term used to describe individuals or households who would benefit from being housed in other accommodation which would address specific factors such as overcrowding, homelessness or the current property being unsuitable due to medical reasons.

We accept all individuals to our housing list as long as they are aged 16 or over.  This does not however, as demand for our houses far exceeds supply, guarantee an offer of an Easthall Park tenancy.

We have produced a summary booklet of our allocation policy. This booklet tells you what size of house you are eligible for and how we work out what priority to give your application.

We have also prepared a Fair Processing Notice which outlines how we will handle the information you supply with your application and who we will share this information with.

For further information on our allocation policy or the fair processing notice, please contact the office.

View our Allocations Policy


Easthall Park is fully committed to the prevention and resolution of homeless.

We agree each year a quota with Glasgow City Council to house a percentage of statutory homeless households.

Our staff can provide housing advice and information to people who are homeless or potentially homeless.

Glasgow City Council is however the statutory agency who have the responsibility for providing temporary and permanent accommodation to people who are classified as homeless.

The Glasgow City Council website is www.glasgow.gov.uk

The crisis/duty service for people at risk of homelessness is provided from Easterhouse Social Work Area Team, 1250 Westerhouse Road, Easterhouse, G34 9EA. The contact phone number for the service is 0141 276 6153.

Did you know that in 2017/18 we let 14 of the 38 properties that became vacant to Homeless applicants.